Axfoundation Honored with the Swedish Food Award 2023

Axfoundation wins the 2023 Swedish Food Award “Livsmedelspriset” presented by the network Livsmedel i fokus.
Pressrelease 22-09-23: Axfoundation wins this year’s prestigious Swedish Food Award (Livsmedelspriset) presented by the network Livsmedel i Fokus. The award particularly highlights the power of Axfoundation’s approach, where broad collaborations drive the food industry forward. Additionally, it recognizes the innovations developed at Torsåker Farm, Axfoundation’s test farm and development center for the sustainable food systems of the future.
“Receiving the award is an honor and a source of pride, both for all the amazing colleagues at Axfoundation and for our 300 partners! The award also gives us a substantial boost of energy, which can be quite handy as we persistently continue to develop practical innovations that contribute to solving complex sustainability challenges related to the things we buy, the food we eat, and the resources we use”, says Maria Smith, Secretary-General at Axfoundation.
Jury’s Citation:
“For constantly contributing to driving the industry forward with the power of change and broad collaborations with relevant stakeholders. By including the entire value chain, from primary producers to the market, and always working hand in hand with research, Axfoundation succeeds in developing innovations that truly make a difference and contributes to sustainable profitability.”
“Working on sustainable innovations can be demanding. You have to bring the entire value chain along on the journey and have the endurance to think around corners and overcome obstacles. But what is demanding can also be a lot of fun, especially when the result is a combination of sustainability and profitability. I am proud that our work is being recognized, and I hope that we can inspire others”, says Madeleine Linins Mörner, Program Director for Future Food at Axfoundation.
Since 1964, the Livsmedel i Fokus network has annually presented the Food Award (Livsmedelspriset) to “individuals, organizations, or companies that, in an inspiring and innovative way, have initiated or developed conditions to increase the competitiveness and development of the food industry.” The award ceremony was held on September 21 at “Livsmedelsdagarna“ (the Food Days) in Tylösand.
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