Training in Rights and Responsibilities
Asia, particularly China, supplies most of the world’s food and goods. Many Swedish and international companies buy a large part of their goods from Asia. After decades of supply chain management based on audits, experience and research showed that this top-down approach didn't lead to sustainable improvements. Instead, capacity building measures were needed to empower employees through increased knowledge.

Working long hours is a common problem at factories in Asia.
The Issue
Many manufacturing factories in Asia are characterized by precarious work, low wages, extreme overtime and unsafe working conditions. Repression against unions is common as well as poor dialogue between workers and management. Formal communication and feedback channels are missing in order for the workers to put grievances forward. A precondition for change is raised awareness among both workers and management. Shared knowledge on rights and responsibilities was the goal of this project.
Our Solution
The digital training tool Quizrr was used in factories across China, Thailand and Bangladesh, available in various advanced versions. The theory of change was that increased knowledge mobilizes employees to exercise their rights. After a few years of cooperation, we could see that the training lead to real and concrete improvements for the employees. Democratically elected workers’ representatives who ensure that employees gain influence in their workplace were examples of results from Quizrr training.

Today, several companies within the Axel Johnson Group use the digital training tool QuizRR.
Quizrr is a digital training tool that uses short films that depict different scenarios to impart its message. After each film follows a number of questions and a quiz, which can be answered individually or in groups. The results are collected and displayed in a statistical database that both the supplier and purchasing companies can view. The training targets employees, middle management and executives. It also covers several modules including: a basic module; a module on salary setting; and a module on social dialogue and worker representation.
factories in China supplying Axel Johnson companies were using Quizrr
workers and managers trained
training sessions held
Back in 2015 Axfoundation subsidized user licenses of Quizrr for Axfood, Filippa K, Kicks, Martin & Servera and Åhléns. Today, the companies finance the training themselves while Axfoundation focuses on measuring the results. In 2018, Axfoundation employed the Raoul Wallenberg Institute to conduct an evaluation of Quizrr at seven supplier factories in China.
In the fall of 2019, before the Corona pandemic, Axfoundation assessed the output and outcomes of the initiative by collecting quantitative and qualitative data via online surveys at 19 of the factories. The report, available in English and Mandarin, indicates that working environments have improved since Quizrr training programs were introduced.
Our assessment showed signs of improved worker engagement after Quizrr trainings, a significant result. A majority of workers and managers claimed that nominations of worker representatives took place, followed by democratic elections and participatory meetings. More than half of the respondents claimed these changes occurred after the training. If correctly reported, this was an important achievement.- Viveka Risberg, Axfoundation
percent of workers said trainings led to improved communication between workers and managers
percent of workers said there had been an election of worker representatives
percent of mangers said trainings led to more resolved grievances
Axfoundation and a variety of partners and companies within the Axel Johnson Group.
Axfood, Kicks, Martin & Servera, Filippa K, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, and the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.