Exceptionell Råvara
Until the end of 2022, Axfoundation was actively involved in the board of Exceptionell Råvara. The association’s aim is to push for the development and production of high-quality produce, thus giving farmers the prerequisites to produce products with sensory added value and secure Swedish gastronomy’s unique expressions for Swedish chefs.

Exceptionell Råvara – a platform for chefs and primary producers. (Photo: Erik Olsson)
The Issue
There was a lack of a natural meeting point between chefs and producers before the association Exceptionell Råvara was founded, each ambitious chef had to spend a lot of time finding equally quality driven primary producer. Nor was there a forum to discuss challenges and experiences within the business in long-term, which prevented the development of products of exceptional quality. Exceptionell Råvara today works with beef, poultry and pig.
The Solution
Exceptionell Råvara gathers the best chefs and producers in Sweden to lay the basis for the development of exceptional produce in Sweden. Around twenty chefs and forty producers are affiliated to the project today and there are new recruits joining continuously.
The association arranges regional and national development meetings during the year where breeding methods, slaughter, taste, texture, smell and appearance is discussed. Self-confidence and courage increase when the producers meet chefs who are willing to pay for exceptional produce. The best Swedish chefs blind test (tasting without knowing who the producer is) produce from the absolute top echelon of Swedish primary producers during the yearly Tasting Meeting (Swe: Smakmötet.)
“Produce which get 35 point out of 50 are given the award Exceptionell Råvara. This means increased income and strengthened competitiveness for the primary producer.”

The best Swedish chefs blind test produce from the absolute top echelon of Swedish primary producers during the yearly Tasting Meeting.
Our Work
Until the end of 2022, Axfoundation participated actively in the association’s quest. The role was to add sustainability into the association’s work towards exceptional quality. Axfoundation also hosted the yearly Tasting Meeting (Swe: Smakmötet) at Torsåker farm – Axfoundation’s test farm and development center for sustainable food systems.