Human Nature 2012 – Cogito, ergo facio

When Axfoundation organized the Human Nature (Swe: Människans Natur) seminar in 2012, the theme was Cogito, ergo facio. Human Nature is the re-occurring conference that examines the human's inner and outer nature, and nature itself. As for all Human Nature seminars, we wanted to dissect a topic from different angles.

Speakers:: Martin Ingvar (Karolinska Institutet), Mats Lekander (Karolinska Institutet), Nils-Erik Sahlin (University of Lund), Ruben Östlund (film director), Camilla Sarner (El Sistema), Lars Trädgårdh (Ersta Sköndal Högskola), Emma Ihre (financial analyst).

About Human Nature

The seminar series “Människans natur” (Human Nature) is an informal event during which we raise interesting aspects of the human’s inner and outer nature together with scientists, politicians, industry, local farmers and other old friends. The seminar is often broadcasted on Swedish public television. Human Nature was first held in 2010.

Human Nature seminars