New opportunity to join course on low use of antibiotics!

Axfoundation collaborates with various actors to reduce the use of antibiotics.
SLU and Future Learn is now repeating the successful and free on-line course “Effective Livestock Production with Low use of Antibiotics” that was joined by 801 persons from 101 countries in the first run! The course will start August 26th and was developed by SLU in collaboration with Axfoundation.
Axfoundation collaborates with various actors to reduce the use of antibiotics
Axfoundation has been a driving force behind the issue of reducing the use of antibiotics for food-producing animals in collaboration with the Swedish Food Retailers Federation, among others, for the last five years. Why do we do it? Infections caused by resistant bacteria, also called multidrug resistant, are responsible for some 500,000 deaths annually. In 2050, 10 million people are expected to die from antibiotic-resistant infections if no effort is made to counteract this trend.
Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide health problem and affects all parts of the world, from low- and medium- to high-income countries. The consequences of antibiotic resistance are, however, most evident in poor countries.